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Monday, December 12, 2011
Last Class
I have been asked to teach again next semester and I really want to but I do need to think of my job first. Spring semester is my busiest time of the year and I just do not know if I will be able to fit in teaching and visiting all the students. I fear if I do both then I will not be able to be 100% for both or I will stress myself out and go crazy from trying to make both happen at the 100% level.
I think I need another night to sleep on it... haha
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
3 Years
Everyone talks about how the wedding day is the best day of your life. And it really was an amazing day, I couldn't have asked for better but I feel like each day since gets better and better. I mean we have had our disagreements but I know at the end of the day I will look over and he will be there and all will be right with the world.
I can't believe it has already been 3 years. It feels like I was on that beach in Malibu just yesterday and yet here we are three years later, happier and more in love than ever! :)
Friday, November 11, 2011
So here is to hoping that 11.11.11 is a lucky day : ) We have only one more of these type of day's left 12.12.12 that we will see for a very long time!
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
My husband asked how many kids needed to show up for me to not be sad. I randomly said 20. It seemed like an ok number and realistic. Well we got exactly 20! While I wish we had more I can't really complain because we got the exact number I asked for! Those were a lucky 20 kids because they got big handfuls of candy!
Hopefully next year will bring more kids! We guess our house before had a reputation for not giving good candy so I am going to change that and make our house the one to go to!
On a side note: Still not able to drive my car as we still do not know what to do with my husband's car. It is still sitting in the shop and we know will cost at least $7,000 if not more. We looked at cars on the weekend but not sure what to get and if it is worth trading in and if we could really even trade it in. So still at a loss at what to do.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
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Dead Car |
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My New Honda CR-V |
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
I also had to write up my observations of them in their site. Part of this is to mention weaknesses and areas for improvement. I normally do not like to critique people and want to be nice. It was really hard for me to write and speak to each student on areas to improve but I had to remind myself that by doing that I am helping them in their future career. And just because I am critiquing doesn't mean I can't be kind while doing it! And afterwards I even had someone thank me for the review!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
I feel like there were a bunch of new shows this year that got added. Which of course meant that a lot of shows got added to our DVR to test out!
I think my favorite of the new shows that I watched was New Girl. I thought it was cute, funny, and one of those good fluffy shows that don't make me think too hard. Now I do enjoy shows that make me think such as Fringe but I don't need every new show to do that!
I also really enjoyed Up All Night, Person of Interest, and Ringer. Also, started watching Terra Nova for my husband who had really high hopes for it as he loves dinosaurs. So far I have enjoyed the show. As long as you do not take it too seriously it is quite fun! Another one that I actually haven't been recording but have been watching on demand is Whitney. I heard a lot of people complaining about it which is actually what made me want to watch it and I thought it was pretty funny. It was funny because it was so real, I have either done or known people who done what she was doing. So to the haters... sorry I thought it was funny!
Now, I just hope that they all don't get cancelled! That is what happened to us last year, we found 3 great new shows totally loved them and then found out they got cancelled. So I am trying to not get too attached this year just in case!
So far I have kept up with Up All Night, New Girl, and Terra Nova. I have the rest on my DVR to catch up on a rainy day. Just in case I find out they get cancelled mid way I also will not have the heartbreak of being too attached!
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
I am also very interested in checking out their new Kindle's that they have just announced. I looked at the Nook touchscreen version when it came out and wasn't sold on it. It actually was too small and I had a hard time holding it without accidently turning the page. Though if I used it often that might be a habit that you just get used to holding it differently. I also think the Nook Color was a great idea just not for me as when I read I did not want the back lite screen and the distraction of the internet on the same device. But we will see how Kindle compares to what is already on the market! And they have gotten the price to a point now ($79!!) that a lot more people will be able to afford. I used to say if they got it down to $100 I was in and while I caved when it got to $114 (close enough!) I knew of many who were waiting for the less than $100 and they delivered!
Happy Reading! :)
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Not a morning person
I am so not a morning person. This week everyday but 1 I have to get up before 6am. Now I follow a rule that I should not be up before the sun and this week I have had to break this rule! This makes for a very cranky girl! I especially do not get the very Perky morning people. How can you be so happy before the sun is even up! I just don't get it! I used to be a night owl but lately 10pm has been late! I feel I am an afternoon person. I love a good warm afternoon and a great sunset. To me that is the best tome of day! I will leave the mornings to the morning people!
Monday, September 26, 2011
Modern Family
Now just like Claire said, "I would love to be wrong, but I don't live with the right people for that."
Actually, it is more like at the end where she said it is a sickness. I can't help myself I just need to prove that I am right! I know I got this from my mother who also has the need to prove herself right. Yet, when I was with her this weekend and they were all making fun of me about having to always be right (and calling me "bossy" the name given to Claire as a nickname) I tried to point out to my mother it came from her. She disagreed and we argued over who was right.
My husband then pointed out that we were fighting over who was right about being right... point taken!
Whether it be a sickness or the company I keep I just can't help it. But hopefully like Claire was at the end of the episode (and not the middle when she told everyone to suck it) I can be gracious when I am right and not rub it in their face like she did with Luke... though I will probably have more "suck it" moments but its a work in progress :)
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Claire proving she was right by showing the video footage from the store where Phil made her fall. |
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
My first mistake was the fact that it was my first edition hard back of The Hunger Games. I normally never lend those type of books out but my friend who again understands the sacredness of books was worthy of borrowing it because I knew she would return it in a timely manner and keep it safe.
So I lend the books to the other coworker and some time goes by...
I am in a meeting in their office again and the coworker says - oh someday I will finally read your books but my mother and daughter took them first... WHAT?!?!!?!?! It took all of my self control to not jump up and go bat s**t crazy! You lent MY book to OTHER people!! WHAT!!!!??!
So after some time when I had calmed down I decided I needed the books back ASAP as I could not handle it anymore. You do not take my books for a month and then never read them but lend them out to other!! So I email and say I need them back because my husband wants to read them (which is true).
She tells me oh... I lost The Hunger Games... WHAT!!?!?!!?
First off she didn't tell me she had lost it. Second, she said she had a paperback she could lend me if my husband wanted that... UM I do not want a paperback I WANT my FIRST EDITION book back! So I keep it together and say he doesn't need the paperback... she says she will order a new one...
Time passes and I got super crazy at work and did not have time to think about it.
Yesterday, she walks into my office with a hard cover Hunger Games book. Oh the book I ordered for you came in and then my daughter found yours so here ya go.
I wait till she leaves and then check... yup first edition! whoo! I will never loan a book again! (Rant over :))
Ok I did already because someone at my husband's work asked and he told her the story so she wants to prove her worth. So I lent a book I do not care if I get back and she actually returned it in a timely manner... so we will see about giving another!
Lesson: Do not give First Editions and only lend to those you trust! :)
Monday, September 19, 2011
It has now been a week since I have taught my first class. I was so nervous beforehand and it felt just like the first day of school, which it actually was, but now on the other side! Would the students like me, respect me, listen to me, learn from me? I questioned myself the whole walk over to the class. Once I got there I realized I was the only one there. I had a panic attack and double checked the classroom location... no I was in the right place and right time and day... waiting... waiting... finally at 7pm on the dot two students showed up. Phew sign of relief I was getting very worried that my nightmare of no students showing up was going to be true!
After about 5 minutes the rest of the class showed up and I began. This class is also interesting because I have a student who is blind in my class and so I was nervous that I would have forgotten to provide something to her or my information would not be compatible with their software but luckily everything worked out!
The class went by in a blur and suddenly it was over! I couldn't believe it I had just taught my first class and the students were all great and we got into discussions and they didn't even balk about the extra assignment I gave!
It was actually on quite a high when I left the classroom that night and felt so good and accomplished. This was a goal I had for myself for ages and now I am actually teaching. Granted it is just one class at the moment but it is a start :)
Looking forward to my next class now!
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
It was also so great to actually be a tourist in my own city. I did things I had never done before such as seeing the Hollywood Sign, Griffith Observatory, and Santa Monica Pier.It was nice to actually see these tourist areas and some like the Griffith Observatory were amazing and I have no idea why I had never been before!
It was also great to do stuff I had done before but was made more exciting by being with someone who had never been! Disneyland is a place I have been to at least a thousand times. I love Disneyland and growing up 5 minutes away I was there constantly but being there with someone for their first time was such a cool experience! I made her get a First Visit button and she was just so excited by every little thing we did. They have some theme parks in Australia but nothing that compares to how all out Disney does it with the themes, musics, rides, and food! Luckily it was not crowded at all when we went and were there for a full day until midnight and I think we got on almost every ride! It was such a great day and gave me even more appreciate for Disneyland!
I also found it entertaining what amused her. She was so entertained by our restaurants and all the choices we have on a menu! Also the fact that almost all our drinks are free refills and they are huge to begin with always got a wow from her when we were out. I think what cracked me up the most though was how excited she was when she saw squirrels! We have them all over the place here and they do not have them at all and every time she saw one it was a squeal and an Oh LOOK! I had never really paid attention to squirrels but her excitement made me realize they are pretty cute and appreciate what I have in my own backyard!
Overall a wonderful visit that went way too quickly! Hopefully it will not take 5 years until I see her again!
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Vaccine Part 2
Next week will be interesting though as we will see what happens when the baby is actual born!
Thursday, September 1, 2011
I also do not cope well with being demanded to do things. It wasn't like she asked us nicely to get it or told us anything about the vaccine. She just said you have x amount of time to go get it. Oh and if you do not get it you are not allowed into the hospital to see the baby.
Since she did not provide any reason for me to get this vaccine (other than the threat of not being able to see my nephew) I did my own research. Everything I have read stated that the parents and the caregivers should get it. I am neither in this case. I will be an Aunt and will see the baby maybe once a month. In fact the baby will see the people at church more than they will see me... and I do not think she is telling the whole church to get the vaccine. I also have spent time around a 13 day old baby and a month old baby and neither parent was worried about me not having been vaccinated. This is will be their second child and we did not need to get the vaccine for the first child...
So, maybe I am being ridiculous in not wanting to get the vaccine but I don't. Unless my doctor tells me too I do not feel inclined to get it. Now, again I might have a different opinion if we were approached in a nice way by saying why we should get it and how they would appreciate us getting it as they were concerned for their child... but instead I just got a demand which doesn't make me want to follow through at all. Also, by not getting it I know I will cause serious drama within the family because everyone else will just do it. I do not want to cause drama and have my in-laws dislike me but I also do not want to just cave and go against something I disagree with.
So to vaccine or not to vaccine... that is my question.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Just Ducky
I love these ducks. I first saw them on March when they were little ducklings following their momma around. Everyday I walked to work I looked forward to checking up on them. They are now almost fully grown and I worry they might move on. I know circle of life. But I hope at least on stays to continue the cycle as they bring a smile to my face everyday! :)
Monday, August 22, 2011
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Lost Days
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Two for the Dough
There is something addictive about these books. They are pure fluff and at some points utterly ridiculous but I find that I have to keep reading. I intended to just read the first one as a break from the heave reading I had been doing but when I finished one I immediately started on two... then I finished two tonight and had to start 3 Nd am already 45% done. It helps that the are already on my kindle so it takes no effort to get the next one but still something addictive. It's like the authors find a way with words that act as a drug on us and we have to just keep reading. Very interesting.... Oh well back to reading :)
Monday, August 15, 2011
Home Photos
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My new centerpieces :) Also you can see my new teal chairs in the background. Which for some reason came out very blue but they are actually a nice teal color |
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View of new table, side table, and new way of organizing the living room! |
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Our new end table! |
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New fixtures for the door! I also got new knobs for all the cabinets! :) |
It has been pretty entertaining and while a lot of hard work it is very satisfying work! We almost finished our fence this weekend and we would have finished but we bought all the paint from Home Depot and have to wait until Thursday until they get the next shipment! We put in our new ceiling fan (one that doesn't try and decapitate my husband!), and new knobs which make the space look to much better now that we have gotten all the gold out! I also went a bit crazy at Home Goods and got these great centerpieces for our new table! And to top it off we bought these fantastic teal chairs for the counter bar area! It finally feels like us and I feel at home now!
We just have one final piece in the main room and that is removing the hideous wallpaper! Once that happens we will have completed one whole room! Next project will be to finish outside and then move on to our bedroom! :)
Friday, August 12, 2011
One for the Money
Thursday, August 11, 2011
The Colorado Kid vs Haven
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Monday, August 8, 2011
A Dance with Dragons
Saturday, August 6, 2011
I love this gadget - which side note every time I hear the word gadget I want to start singing Part of your world from the little mermaid! My husband thinks I'm crazy but this gadget is wonderful! It makes the percent scoop for cookies and for ice cream! Two of my favorites! What could be better than that!
Friday, August 5, 2011
Also, my friend just sent this to me and I had to share...
Another reason why...
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Good Morning!
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
The sun is shining, the streets are less crowded, and things just feel good! I saw the cutest little bunny today eating an orange that had fallen. And then later in a creek there was a group of ducks swimming and playing! So adorable! I would have taken a picture but my phone was all I had on me and it didn't come out well. Oh well! It was even a beautiful clear day and I could see the mountains! It was a great sight! These are the days when I truly appreciate where I live and remind myself why I walk (besides the obvious of being healthy!).
Monday, August 1, 2011
Goal #14
I read fast. I am often doubted on how fast I read and when I was talking to a friend about goals they said I should have a goal on reading. I wasn't planning on doing this but then they said they doubted I could actually read this amount and that it would be impossible. Well I am never one to back away from a challenge so I agreed to make it a goal! I will also start tracking the books I read to show that I have been reading. I will also blog about each one to prove I read it as friends are terrible and think I lie to them about actually reading - which is just silly because what would be the point! But it sounds like a fun challenge and I look forward to it :)
And of course to start off I am reading a Dance with Dragons, which is a 1,000 page book (which I feel should really count for more than one)!.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Goal #13
When I lived in Australia I loved walking to work and taking public transport to anything I needed. I had many friends in oz that didn't even have their licenses because it was so easy to get around without a car. I truly miss living in a place that has great public transport and shops close enough to walk to. I would be so happy if I never had to drive again! Last November we bought a house 2 miles away from my work. I told myself that was close enough I can walk it. Now getting up earlier to walk is quite a challenge but I want to keep it up and walk to work everyday I possibly can!
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Goal #12
I have been to a lot of college games but never to a professional game for football. I have been to hockey, basketball, and baseball so I feel I should add Football to the list :) Plus I just love being a part of the crowd and cheering for a team to win. There is such a good vice at these games (as long as they are winning that is!) and I love to be a part of that energy!
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Comic Con 2011
We started the day out at the Breaking Dawn, Part 1 panel. I was actually pretty impressed with this. I have not been a fan of Kristen Stewart but she impressed me and was actually funny. I felt for her when a very pregnant woman asked her where she drew her inspiration to be pregnant in the film... she just had nothing to answer... she has never been pregnant and made it up! Robert Pattinson was actually very awkward and it was kinda funny! The previews they showed us looked good though my friend and I were discussing during the panel that we have no idea why it is 2 parts or where they are splitting it because this panel was only supposed to be on part 1 and they mentioned numerous times only on part 1 but we felt that what they described was almost the whole story... so that should be interesting!
We then tried to get into the Game of Thrones panel. We didn't realize that they did not clear out the ballrooms after each session so people were getting in early and staying put so after 2 hours of waiting we did not get in :( I was bummed but we decided to hit the showroom floor instead...
This room is MASSIVE! So much was going on and the people watching was amazing! :) We were wandering around and all of a sudden I look over and go wait... is it... maybe... yes it is Elijah Wood! He was just chillin at a booth! He is teeny tiny! It was not a stretch to make him a hobbit because he basically already is that size. It was crazy!
Then while wandering more and checking out the G4 booth that was filming X Play and getting an awesome Hunger Games pin and poster we here some commotion... over at the HBO booth the whole cast of Game of Thrones was signing autographs! WHAT! So we walk over and realize that only special people who were in a lottery got to get autographs but I can try to get close, right? The boys say there is no way I will make it to the front. There were at least 100 maybe even 200 people very tightly packed in front of me. I say I am trying and my friend follows. Somewhere halfway through I lose her but keep moving forward. The security is screaming to back up, threatening the fire marshal will make them leave and cancel this portion and there is mass chaos. I continue to weasel my way up the front. I am oblivious to what is going around me and am focused on the goal. My husband tells me that it was hilarious because he would see me pop up and then disappear closer and at one point security made a chain with their hands up saying get back and I popped up behind their arms! I finally was there and was right in front of them! I made it! I look for Peter Dinklage because he plays one of my favorite characters and couldn't see him. There was a huge Lego Batman in front of me so I weasel a bit more and get to the side almost into the signature line not sure how I have gone unnoticed yet and suddenly in front of me is Peter. I yell to him and he looks up and smiles at me! This is what I was able to capture!
So great! Not only did I get a great shot of him but then he got with his cast mates and posed again for me! It was amazing and totally made my day! :) It was so fantastic and I cannot wait to go again :)
Monday, July 25, 2011
Goal #11
I started yoga this summer and am loving it! I tend to stop doing things though after a couple months because I get bored or move on but I want to make sure to stick with this! It is calming which is something I really need and is a great workout! So I need to do some yoga at least once a week, but hopefully more!
Goal #10
I love to read but most of what I read is popular fiction and I tend to stay away from the classics. So, I decided I should make it a goal to read at least 5 of them especially since they are usually free to get on the Kindle there is no reason to not (other than I always seem to find other books I want to read first...)!
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Goal #9
I love to take pictures and I love to scrapbook! Scrapbooking takes a lot of time because I spend so long figuring out my layouts to be just right so I have fallen a bit behind in my scrapbooking. Though I use shutterfly now and that is amazing! I love doing it digitally and with their new features it is even better! But to make sure to keep on top of it I decided to make it a goal! The books I make are so great to look back and remember all the good times and to me make the best souvenirs of any event!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Simple Ways TSA Could Make Customers Happier
Why do multimillion and multibillion dollar companies and organizations maintain counterproductive business practices that are at fundamental odds with their missions? Why do they do things that seem designed to piss off their customers? Are they just so trapped in their routines that they don't realize what they're doing?
As if TSA's relationship with the public weren't bad enough, it got strained even further a couple of weeks ago when news reports of its search of an adult cancer patient's diaper boomeranged all over the internet. If TSA really wants to improve its image, it wouldn't be hard to do. Here are just a few things that would transmogrify public attitudes about the agency.
- Stop the Shouting. No human being responds well to someone shouting 'Remove all laptops! Take out all liquids, aerosols, and gels! Remove all items from your pockets, that means ALL items!' at them at 6 AM--or any other time of day. Imagine walking into a Toyota dealership to find a uniformed officer there yelling, 'If you want a Camry get in the left line; if you have credit question go to the right!' The best way for TSA to improve customer service would be to start treating people like customers instead of animals. They should establish a 'no yelling or you're fired' rule. This alone would transform the atmosphere around the screening areas. And people might actually pay attention.
- Lollipops. Give lollipops to kids after they go through a screening. It would immediately signal customer appreciation, sensitivity, and basic humanity.
- Advanced Courtesy Training. TSA agents rarely say thank you, they bark orders at you, and they generally treat you like an idiot because you aren't 100% proficient at a procedure that they perform countless times a day. TSA should conduct extensive staff training on the language and habits of basic courtesy.
- Usable Comment Cards. Agents should be required to greet customers with their first name. 'Hi, I'm Ann, and I'll be searching your bag.' When finished, the agent should hand the passenger a zen-simple comment card that says 'Ann' with numbers 1-10 underneath so that you can circle a score and drop it immediately into a comment box. If you want customers to believe you care about their feedback, prove it: Make it super-simple for them to tell you what they think.
- A Context of Friendliness. Shifting the context of customer-interfacing operations from one of intimidation to one of friendliness does not mean ceding the power necessary to keep airports secure. Using the comment card feedback, for example, each day TSA could place a large poster at the entrance to the security area with a photo of the agent voted friendliest the previous day, with a headline, 'Yesterday's Most Courteous Agent, According to You.' Staff could be trained to utter a simple, 'Welcome,' when you enter the line. Bins could be ordered in bright saturated colors, instead of Big Brother gray. Hell, maybe they could even have 'Hi!' written on them.
- Simple Equipment Innovations. A TSA agent in Boston designed an apparatus that sends empty plastic bins from the end of the line along a sloping, roller-lined rack and feeds them back onto the conveyor belt, thereby placing the bins at your fingertips as you move along the conveyor. You can grab bins as you need them instead of lugging two or three by your fingernails from the start of the line. The innovation eliminates human labor involved in endlessly transferring bins from the end of the line to the front. The machine is ingenious. The agent had it fabricated with his own money. Yet the manager told me the Feds want it taken down because they didn't design it. They should do the opposite. They should order one for every TSA line in America. The labor savings and time savings would pay for equipment in a month. The innovation would demonstrate care and concern to the general public, and would make everything easier and faster.
- Magic Bin and 1,000th Passenger Programs. Put a star on the bottom of every 100th bin. The customer who gets that bin wins a voucher for a refreshing beverage at one of the airport concessions. The 1,000th passenger each day gets a voucher for a relaxing 15-minute massage at one of those airport mini-spas. Signs in the queue could alert customers to the programs, which would alter the spirit of the operations area. These two programs would create substantial positive word-of-mouth advertising. People would start saying, 'You wouldn't believe what happened to me in the TSA line the other day...' and it wouldn't be that they got strip-searched.
- Relaxing Music. Security is the most stressful part of the travel experience. Acknowledge that and reduce the stress by playing spa music in the TSA areas.
- Family Assistance. Families traveling with strollers and car seats and formula bags have a tough time. Station a family assistant in the queue area to help families get all their stuff through the lines.
- Value Proposition Messages. Long lines are an advertiser's dream. TSA should put up advertising boards touting their value: '278 flights delivered safely yesterday from this station' or '6,887 passengers delivered to their destinations without incident yesterday from this station.'
- Late Program. Eliminate stressed-out passengers from the line by offering to put people at the front of the line for a $35 fee if they are at risk of missing their flights.
It took less than an hour to brainstorm a few imaginative ideas like this (no sarcastic 'it shows' comments, please). Imagine if TSA leaders were to do a little bit of design thinking themselves. The agency has the opportunity to reverse the antagonistic dynamic that has developed between it and its customers. In the process, it could make customers dramatically more cooperative and happy, and improve safety at the same time.
What are your imaginative ideas?
Goal #8
I had this one more defined but decided I didn't want to limit myself. I had specific destinations but realized that sometimes life happens. Originally I thought I would be going to Italy or Costa Rica this year and instead reality has happened and that most likely will not happen as our wonderful needs the love more. So I just want to make sure that I get some travel in even if it is more local I want to make sure to keep travelling and going places I have never been to broaden my horizons :)
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Awesome Room
Goal #7
I am not a baker or cook. I am actually quite terrible in the kitchen and my husband is the one that does all our cooking. This is because he enjoys to cook and because when we first moved in together I attempted to cook and he started critiquing it and I said if you are going to do that then you can cook and so he did! I have always wanted to be able to bake marvelous things and I have friends and family you can and I am a bit jealous of thier ability. So I have decided I will learn how to at least make cookies from scratch even if they are terrible at first I will continue until I get it down!
Monday, July 18, 2011
Goal #6
Anyone who knows me knows that I hate vegetables. I have tried a variety of them and I just do not like them. My husband made it is goal one night to find a vegetable that I like and all day made all sorts of veggies. And I found one that I actually will tolerate -zucchini. I am trying to be healthier and while working out and walking to work are all great, I do need to start eating better and that includes vegetables. And since no one will count potatoes for a veggie I need to find some more veggies that I will eat! So my goal is to not only eat at least once a week (which I know doesn't sound like a lot but for me it is!) but to also find more veggies I like!
Sunday, July 17, 2011
I finally got a smart phone! I am testing out how it works on the blog... So far so good. I am also shocked at how well I am typing as there is no physical keyboard! That's all for now! Time to watch some lovely TrueBlood!
Goal #5
I actually started a little garden in my planter box this year and really enjoyed it! I used to think I had a black thumb but I started from some bulbs and it was so neat to watch my plants grow and blossom! Because of this I would like to actually make a garden area in my backyard with landscaping, maybe a pond, but most importantly all sorts of bright vibrant flowers :)
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Goal #4
We have a room in our house we have declared as our library room and once day I would love to build built in shelves along one whole wall to hold onto all my books (as the bookshelves I have now are not cutting it!). I realize that might not happen right away as it will involve a lot more work and money but I do want to paint it and make it a nice cozy place to sit and read and of course I need my signature teal wall :)
Friday, July 15, 2011
Goal #3
I was going to set a certain amount but then realized some months are tougher than others and some are better so I decided to leave it at just making sure some money is going into savings. You never know what life will bring you and it is always good to have a plan B and something to fall back on! :)
Harry Potter 7 Part 2
We showed up at the theater last night and received our special HP 3D glasses to look like Harry's glasses. Which was a nice touch so thanks to whoever thought of that! You could feel the excitement in the air and everyone one was buzzing and as always I was highly entertained by some of the costumes :)
I feel the movie did an excellent job! I made sure not to reread 7 beforehand though as I have done this in the past and then just spend the whole movie focused on what is different. Instead I read up to 7 and saved it for this weekend after the movie. There were tears at points and I am also so impressed with the actors who have really made the characters come to life.
My brain is still a bit foggy from staying up so late and getting up so early for work so I will just leave it at the movie was epic and and era has ended.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Today is the Day!
Now it just needs to be midnight so it can start! I have my clothes all ready to go and will add my scar right before :) 12 more hours to go...
Goal 2
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
30 for 30
So the first goal to go on my list is: Set a target weight and stick to it
I actually already have my target weight but put it on the list anyways so I feel more compelled to stick to it!
So, my coworker convinced me that I should join her for yoga twice a week. I started out not too sure about it. I am not very flexible and as majority of the people there were coworkers I was a bit self conscious. But in the spirit of competition I decided it could only help with my goal so I agreed. Well it has only been 3 weeks now (and I actually have only been making it once a week) and I actually am loving it! I am still pretty terrible at it but yesterday I actually was able to touch the floor! I don't think even in High School I could do that!
Plus, Tuesday is my weigh in day and so yesterday I had even lost another pound! This is the smallest I have been in over 2 years :) Granted I still have 20 pounds to go for my overall goal and to win the big prize! I still haven't gotten my prize from winning last month but that's ok. I just like winning and being able to gloat to my husband! But I feel the addition of yoga to my weekly routine might be what helps me win the big prize in November.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Monday, July 11, 2011
Geek Mecca
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Life in an Indian call center
During our second day of culture training, Lekha dissected the Australian psyche. It took about 20 minutes.
'Just stating facts, guys,' Lekha began, as we scribbled notes, 'Australia is known as the dumbest continent. Literally, college was unknown there until recently. So speak slowly.' Next to me, a young man in a turban wrote No college in his notebook.
'Technologically speaking, they're somewhat backward, as well. The average person's mobile would be no better than, say, a Nokia 3110 classic.' This drew scoffs from around the room.
'Australians drink constantly,' Lekha continued. 'If you call on a Friday night, they'll be smashed--every time. Oh, and don't attempt to make small talk with them about their pets, okay? They can be quite touchy about animals.'
'What kind of people are there in Australia?' a trainee asked. 'What are their traits?'
'Well, for one thing,' Lekha said, 'let's admit: They are quite racist. They do not like Indians. Their preferred term for us is--please don't mind, ladies--'brown bastards.' So if you hear that kind of language, you can just hang up the call.'
My Summer at an Indian Call Center
(Thanks, Mmechanic!)