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Tuesday, October 4, 2011


I love my Kindle! I know I have said it before but I am saying it again! Now that they have the lending feature up and running and I can check books out from my library it is even more amazing then before! They have made it so easy to access as well. I was leaving for a trip and though I would check the library just to see if it was ready yet and to my surprise it was. They haven't advertised this well but so far that is working in my favor because all the books I wanted were available! I immediately downloaded 3 books. Actually, I tried for more but they have a max of three. And suddenly there they were on my Kindle. I just finished all three and found a way to return them and get 3 more. I had plenty to read before but now it will be non-stop and I love it! Yay for the Kindle!

I am also very interested in checking out their new Kindle's that they have just announced. I looked at the Nook touchscreen version when it came out and wasn't sold on it. It actually was too small and I had a hard time holding it without accidently turning the page. Though if I used it often that might be a habit that you just get used to holding it differently. I also think the Nook Color was a great idea just not for me as when I read I did not want the back lite screen and the distraction of the internet on the same device. But we will see how Kindle compares to what is already on the market! And they have gotten the price to a point now ($79!!) that a lot more people will be able to afford. I used to say if they got it down to $100 I was in and while I caved when it got to $114 (close enough!) I knew of many who were waiting for the less than $100 and they delivered!

Happy Reading! :)


  1. I love my nook but I am not against Kindles like I was earlier. I think yours does have the better e-ink technology (when comparing it to mine, which I know is an older version of the nook). That is my worry too about the nook touch and the reason I didn't rush out to get it. Even messing around with it in the store I kept accidentally turning the page. No matter which one you have it is always happy reading :)

  2. Oh! You would post a Kindle blog! I've been dying for an e-reader! (Being a starving college student though means I'll be waiting until Black Friday or Christmas!) I've been researching them like crazy and my best friend has a Kindle, and they are just soooo fancy. I even wrote a paper on e-readers a couple days ago for a class. Can you tell I want one?

    The thing is though, I think I'm leaning towards a Nook, simply because I am a hardcore Barnes and Noble person, and they seem just sliiiightly better. I think. I still haven't decided!

  3. I am totally a Barnes & Noble person too! I still visit all the time and love to browse the store! It took a year for me to decide and it wasn't until I borrowed a Kindle that I finally made my choice. Either way though you will be happy :) They are amazing!
